
Feature Highlight: Configuring Dashboards for Recruiters

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Feature Highlight Dashboard Series - Part 2: Configuring Dashboards for Recruiters

The dashboard is an essential tool available to users in the following iCIMS solutions:

  • iCIMS Connect (Legacy CRM) 
  • iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) 
  • iCIMS Offer Management
  • iCIMS Onboarding

Dashboards can be configured to create effective landing pages for your users, displaying key metrics, frequently used reports, and important to-do items immediately upon logging in. User admins can set up unique, role-oriented dashboards for different user groups to help boost their team's overall efficiency and improve their user experience within the system. This installment of the Feature Highlight Dashboard series provides recommendations for configuring an impactful dashboard for recruiters. 

Tip: Don't forget to check out the other articles in the series, such as Dashboard Management, for additional tips and recommendations. The full list of articles within the series is available in the Feature Highlight Dashboard Series section of this article.​

The Recruiter Dashboard

A recruiter's dashboard serves as the central hub of their recruiting activity, providing easy access to essential information as soon as they log in to the iCIMS system. Tailoring a recruiter's dashboard to their specific needs promotes productivity and organization and helps make a recruiter's job easier. Dashboards can provide visual reminders of to-do items and easy monitoring of key information, such as incoming candidates or pending offers. Dashboards can also link to frequently-used reports and display metrics at a glance, which cuts down on the time spent recreating searches and reports. By taking advantage of the dashboard, recruiters won't need to dive too deeply into the system to accomplish their tasks; everything they need on a daily basis is readily available from a single screen. 

Dashboard Panels & Widgets for Recruiters

An image of an example recruiter dashboard is displayed.

Above is an example of a dashboard tailored specifically for a recruiter that utilizes the three column layout. Information displayed includes overviews of the recruiter's jobs and candidates, essential action items and to-do's, as well as frequently used reports and personal metrics. From the dashboard, the recruiter can quickly view what they need to take care of and easily access additional details by selecting the individual widgets, as needed. The panels and widgets displayed on this dashboard are outlined below. 

Column 1: Job and Candidate Overviews

An image of the first column of the recruiter dashboard is displayed.
This column contains panels and widgets that welcome the user to the iCIMS system and provides overviews of jobs assigned to the logged-in recruiter, as well as candidates attached to those jobs. 

Panel A: Welcome

Type: Text
Widget(s): This panel contains a single text widget. Text widgets are essentially a text field displayed on the dashboard. Static text, links to other sites, images and photos can be added to a dashboard using this type of widget. The text widget here welcomes the user to the system and lets them know how to access the iCIMS Community site. 

Panel B: My Jobs

Type: Search Preview
Widget(s): This panel contains search preview widgets. Search preview widgets display a preview of the search results stemming from the attached search template. To view the full search results, a user can select the title of the search, located above the preview. The widgets included in this panel are:
  • My Open Jobs - This widget displays jobs in the Approved folder, where the logged-in user is the recruiter listed on the Job profile. It uses the standard Job search template titled "Open Jobs Assigned to Recruiter."
  • My Jobs Pending Approval - This widget displays jobs in the Pending Approval folder, where the logged-in user is the recruiter listed on the Job profile. It uses the standard Job search template titled "Jobs Pending Approval (Me)." 
  • My Recently Closed Jobs - This widget displays jobs assigned to the recruiter that closed within the past 30 days. To create this widget, build and save a Job search with the following filters:
    • Date Last in Closed (Filled) set to Past 30 Days
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
Tip: When creating search templates to use as search preview widgets, be mindful of the order of the columns in the output. Search previews can display up to the first five (5) columns from the underlying template's output.

Panel C: Candidate Information

Type: Search Preview
Widget(s): This panel contains three (3) search preview widgets. The widgets included in this panel are:
  • New Candidates Since Last Workday - This widget displays candidates who have applied to jobs assigned to the logged-in recruiter since the last workday. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:
    • Application Date set to Since Last Workday
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
  • New Employee Referrals - This widget displays new candidates who were referred by current employees. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:
    • Source set to Referred by a current employee or other applicable employee referral source
    • Bin set to New Submissions
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
  • Unreviewed Candidates - This widget displays candidates attached to jobs assigned to the logged-in recruiter who are still in the New Submissions bin. To create this widget, build and save the Recruiting Workflow search used for the New Employee Referral widget, outlined above, without the Source filter. 

Column 2: To-Do's and Other Action Items


An image of the second column of the recruiter dashboard displays.

This column contains panels and widgets that alert the user to any outstanding items to complete, display daily to-do's, and provide easy monitoring of pending items.

Panel A: Immediate Action Needed

Type: Factoid
Widget(s): This panel contains factoid widgets for priority tasks to complete. Factoid widgets make great action-oriented reminders, as they display the count of search results that fit the underlying search template's filters followed by custom text. Users can view the related search results by selecting the widget. The widgets included in this panel are (labeled by their custom factoid text):
  • New Hires Starting This Week with Incomplete Tasks/Paperwork - This widget displays the number of new hires starting in the next seven (7) days who have not yet completed their onboarding tasks/paperwork. To create this widget, build and save the search outlined in the New Hires Starting Soon with Incomplete Onboarding article but set the Start Date filter to Next 7 Days instead of 30. 
  • Jobs Open 60+ Days - This widget displays the number of jobs assigned to the logged-in recruiter that are in the Approved folder and were opened over 60 days ago. To create this widget, build and save a Job search with the following filters:
    • Job Folder set to Approved
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Date Last in Approved set to a Custom date range. In the To date box, type in the code: {date:-60} and leave the From box blank, as displayed below. Ensure there is no space in the To box before the opening bracket.
An image of the filter using the code snippet displays.  
  • Candidates Requiring Disposition (Closed Jobs) - This widget displays the number of candidates who have not yet been dispositioned on jobs that have been closed. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:
    • Status (Category) is not Hired Flag or Rejected Flag
    • Job Folder is Closed (Filled)
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
  • Candidates in Same Status 10+ Days - This widget displays the number of candidates who have been in the same status (not Rejected or Hired) for longer than 10 days. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:
    • Status (Category) is not Hired Flag or Rejected Flag
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Updated Date set to a Custom date range. In the To date box, type in the code: {date:-10} and leave the From box blank, similar to the Open Jobs widget above. Ensure there is no space in the To box before the opening bracket.

Panel B: My To-Do Items

Type: Factoid
Widget(s): This panel contains factoid widgets displaying daily to-do items. The widgets included in this panel are:
  • Jobs to Post - This widget displays the number of approved jobs that are not yet posted to a portal. To create this widget, build and save a Job search using the following filters:
    • Job Folder set to Approved or other applicable open-status folder.
    • Job Post Information: Status is  – Blank –
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
  • Offers Approved - Extend Offer to Candidate - This widget displays the number of offers that have completed the approval process. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search using the following filters:
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Status set to Offer: Launch Offer Approval
    • Offer Approvals: Approval Status set to Completed
  • Offers Accepted - Begin Onboarding - This widget displays the number of offers accepted by candidates and is fueled by a simple status-based search template (i.e., Recruiting Workflow search with a filter for Status is Offer Accepted). Since a recruiter should take specific action for candidates within this status, the custom factoid text displayed after the total number of candidates is used to remind a recruiter to complete that action. The widget for Phone Screens to Schedule is another example of using a status-based search template as a factoid reminder. 

Panel C: My Pending Items

Type: Factoid
Widget(s): This panel contains factoid widgets for pending items to monitor. The widgets included in this panel are:
  • Candidates Submitted to HM - Awaiting Review - This widget displays the number of candidates submitted to hiring managers. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search using the following filters:
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Status set to Hiring Manager Review: Submitted
  • Offers Pending Approval - This widget displays the number of offers currently in an active offer approval process. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search using the following filters:
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Status set to Offer: Launch Offer Approval
    • Offer Approvals: Approval Status is not Completed
  • Offers Extended - Awaiting Response - This widget displays the number of offers currently extended to candidates. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search using the following filters:
    • Recruiter set to – Myself –
    • Status set to Offer: Offer Extended

Column 3: Reports and Metrics


An image of the third column of the recruiter dashboard displays.

This column contains panels and widgets that provide information on external resources, links to reports, and an overview of personal metrics. 

Panel A: Resources

Type: Text
Widget(s): Just like the Welcome widget in the first column, this is another example of how text widgets can be used. This panel contains links to company career sites and contact information for their internal help desk. Links to external resources or other vendor portals could also be displayed here.

Panel B: Immediate Action Needed

Type: Button
Widget(s): This panel contains button widgets linking to frequently-used reports. Button widgets provide quick and easy access to saved reports; selecting the icon links directly to search results for the report so the user doesn't have to navigate to the search and find the desired template or recreate the search from scratch. Examples of reports that could be linked from a button widget include an offer metrics reportdisposition reason reports, or EEO reporting.

Panel C: Recruiter Metrics

Type: Key Metric
Widget(s): This panel contains key metric widgets displaying personal metrics for the logged-in recruiter. Key metric widgets can be displayed as either a simple name and number or as charts, depending upon how users would prefer to view the information. Keep in mind that a search template must contain groupings in order to be displayed as a chart. Examples of metrics this panel can contain include candidate by source reportstime-to-fill and time-to-hire metrics, and hires made to date. 

Feature Highlight Dashboard Series

The 5-part Feature Highlight Dashboard series provides tips and best practices for creating and managing effective dashboards for different types of users of the iCIMS system. Topics covered include how to set up unique dashboards for different user groups by adding and arranging new panels and widgets. The series also provides example reports and widgets tailored to different roles that help boost efficiency, streamline the overall user experience, and promote ease of use and adoption by users. The articles within the series are listed below:​

Additional Resources

TitleFeature Highlight: Configuring Dashboards for Recruiters
URL NameFeature-Highlight-Configuring-Dashboards-for-Recruiters

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