
Feature Highlight: Configuring Dashboards for Sourcing Specialists

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Feature Highlight Dashboard Series - Part 4: Configuring Dashboards for Sourcing Specialists

The dashboard is an essential tool available to users in the following iCIMS solutions:

  • iCIMS Connect (Legacy CRM) 
  • iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) 
  • iCIMS Offer Management 
  • iCIMS Onboarding 

Dashboards can be configured to create effective landing pages for your users, displaying key metrics, frequently used reports, and important to-do items immediately upon logging in. User admins can set up unique, role-oriented dashboards for different user groups to help boost their team's overall efficiency and improve their user experience within the system. This installment of the Feature Highlight Dashboard Series provides recommendations for configuring an impactful dashboard for sourcing specialists. 

Tip: Don't forget to check out the other articles in the series, such as Dashboard Management, for additional tips and recommendations. The full list of articles within the series is available in the Feature Highlight Dashboard Series section of this article. 

The Sourcing Specialist Dashboard

A sourcing specialist's dashboard serves as the launching-off point in the iCIMS system for building and maintaining robust pipelines of top talent. It can provide visual alerts of new candidates to review and reminders of upcoming events and forecasted jobs. The dashboard can also link to saved candidate searches and display metrics at a glance, which cuts down on the time spent manually recreating searches and reports. By taking advantage of their dashboard, sourcing specialists can focus their time and effort on filling talent pools with qualified talent to help fill future open jobs faster.

Dashboard Panels & Widgets for Sourcing Specialists

An example of a sourcing specialist dashboard.

Above is an example of a dashboard tailored specifically to a sourcing specialist that uses the three column layout. Information displayed includes upcoming events and jobs, a tracker for new candidates in various talent pools, links to saved candidate searches, and personal metrics. By having essential information readily available upon logging in to the system, the sourcer can spend more time nurturing relationships with qualified candidates. The panels and widgets displayed on this dashboard are outlined below. 

Note: Some of the elements (e.g., filters) described in the sections below are only available to iCIMS Connect (Legacy CRM) customers.

Column 1: Events and Jobs

The first column of the example sourcer dashboard.

This column contains panels and widgets that display an overview of open and forecasted jobs as well as key details for upcoming events. 

Panel A: Jobs

Type: Search Preview
Widget(s): This panel contains search preview widgets. Search preview widgets display a preview of the search results stemming from the attached search template. To view the full search results, a user can select the title of the search, located above the preview. The widgets included in this panel are:

  • Open Technology Jobs - This widget displays currently-open jobs associated with the technology talent pool. Existing Talent Pool profiles can be associated with a job via the Talent Pool field located on the Detail tab of the Job profile. By reporting on this field, the sourcer can easily monitor the roles related to their pipelines. To create this widget, build and save a Job search with the following filters:

    • Job Folder set to Approved (or other open-status folder)

    • Talent Pool set to the desired talent pool(s) (e.g. technology)

  • Forecasted Technology Jobs - This widget displays forecasted jobs associated with the technology talent pool.  It provides the sourcer with insight into future jobs in order to help guide their pipeline management. To create this widget, build and save a Job search with the following filters:

    • Job Folder set to Forecasted

    • Talent Pool set to the desired talent pool(s) (e.g. technology)

    • Tip: Add Targeted Job Start Date as a column to help prioritize jobs.

Tip: When creating search templates to use as search preview widgets, be mindful of the order of the columns in the output. Search previews can display up to the first five columns from the underlying template.  

Panel B: Events

Type: Search Preview
Widget(s): This panel contains search preview widgets containing event details. The widgets included in this panel are:

  • Upcoming Events - This widget displays events starting within the next 60 days. To create this widget, build and save an Event search with the following filters:

    • Folder set to Open

    • Start Date set to Next 60 Days (or other desired time frame)

    • Tip: Add a column for # of Registered & Attended to monitor headcount for each event. 

  • Recently Closed Events - This widget displays events closed within the past 30 days to provide easy access to key details and recent attendees. To create this widget, build and save an Event search with the following filters:

    • Folder set to Closed

    • End Date set to Past 30 Days (or other desired time frame)

Column 2: Candidates 

The second column of the sourcing specialist example dashboard.

This column contains panels and widgets that provide visual alerts of candidates requiring review as well as links to saved searches. 

Panel A: Candidates to Review

Type: Factoid
Widget(s): This panel contains several factoids notifying the sourcer of candidates in need of review. Factoid widgets make great visual reminders, as they display the count of search results from the underlying search template followed by custom text. Use the Factoid Text setting available for each widget to clearly communicate its purpose. The widgets included in this panel are:

  • New [Talent Pool] Candidates - This panel contains several factoids that display the number of new candidates in various talent pools the sourcer is responsible for. By selecting the factoid, the sourcer can review the new candidates and take action. In this example, each talent pool is represented by its own factoid; multiple talent pools can also be combined into a single factoid, if desired. To create this type of widget, build and save a Sourcing Workflow search with the following filters:

    • Created Date set to Since Last Workday

    • Talent Pool set to the desired talent pool(s)

      • Tip: To select multiple talent pools in a single report, hold the Ctrl (or Cmd) key and select each desired talent pool from the list. 

  • Unreviewed Event Attendees - This widget displays the total number of candidates on past events that have not yet been reviewed. To create this widget, build and save an Event Attendee search with the following filters:

    • Status set to Unreviewed

    • Associated Event: Folder set to Closed

    • Optional: To limit the search to only attendees of recently closed events, add a filter for Associated Event: End Date and select the desired time frame. 

  • Low Engagement Candidates - This widget displays the number of candidates in the sourcer's talent pools that have a low activity level. This factoid enables the sourcer to review these candidates and take appropriate action, such as working to re-engage qualified candidates or moving them into an inactive folder. To create this widget, build and save a Sourcing Workflow search with the following filters:

    • Activity Level set to Low

    • Person Folder set to Cand: Active

    • Talent Pool set to the desired talent pool(s)

Panel B: Candidate Searches

Type: Button
Widget(s): This panel contains button widgets that link to frequently-used searches. Selecting an icon takes the user directly to search results for the linked report, eliminating the need to find the report or recreate the search from scratch. This example panel consists of several different candidate searches that a sourcer may use when searching for top passive talent. The types of widgets included in this panel include: 

  • Activity Level Search - The Active Candidates button links to a search for candidates with a high activity level. For more information on activity level, review the Candidate Activity Level article. To create this type of widget, build and save a Sourcing Workflow search with the following filters:

    • Activity Level set to High

    • Talent Pool set to the desired talent pool(s)

  • Candidate Tag Search - The Silver Medalists button is an example of a search centered around candidate tags. With candidate tagging, a candidate can be flagged with different searchable skills or qualifiers. For more information, review the Candidate Tagging article. For example, this button searches for candidates that have been tagged as silver medalists - qualified applicants from previous hiring efforts who were flagged for future consideration. To create this type of widget, build and save a Person search with the following filters:

    • Tag set to the desired tag(s)

    • Person Folder is Cand: Active

  • Location-based Search - The Candidates by Location button links to a search for candidates within a certain radius of a given location. To learn how to build a location radius search, review the Candidates by Postal Code Radius article.

  • Education-based Search - The STEM Degree Candidates and MIT Graduates buttons are two examples of searches based on education history. Using the available education filters, a user can search for candidates who attended specific certain schools, hold certain degrees, or have upcoming graduation dates. To create these types of widgets, build and save Person searches that use the desired education filters, such as Education: Major or Education: School. 

  • Keyword Search -  The Project Management Candidates button links to a search using keywords to find candidates with certain skill sets, based on information found on their resume or profile. To learn more about creating keyword searches, review the Introduction to Boolean Search and Candidate Keyword Search articles. 

Column 3: Resources and Metrics

The third column of the sourcing specialist example dashboard.

This column contains panels and widgets that provide details on external resources, kiosk mode instructions, and an overview of personal metrics. 

Panel A: Welcome to the iCIMS Talent Platform

Type: Text
Widget(s): This panel contains a single text widget. Static text, links to other sites, images and photos can be added to a dashboard using this type of widget. The text widget shown here provides links to the organization's career sites, internal help desk contact information, and quick instructions on how to enable kiosk mode for events.

Panel B: Sourcing Specialist Metrics

Type: Key Metric
Widget(s): This panel contains personal metrics for the logged-in sourcing specialist. Key metric widgets can be displayed as either a simple name and number or as charts. Keep in mind that a search template must have groupings in the output to be displayed as a chart. Some example key metric widgets include:

  • Events YTD - This widget shows the number of events completed during the current year. To create this widget, build and save an Event search with the following filters:

    • Start Date set to This Year

    • Folder set to Closed

  • Candidates Submitted to Jobs - This widget displays the number of candidates the logged-in sourcer has submitted to jobs during the current year. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:

    • Application Date set to This Year

    • Source Person set to @userid 

      • Tip: Type @userid into the box to the right of the added filter, as displayed in the image below, to have the report reflect metrics for the logged-in user.

An example of the Source Person filter set to @userid.

  • Candidates Applied to Jobs - This widget shows the number of candidates from talent pools that have applied to jobs. To create this widget, build and save a Recruiting Workflow search with the following filters:

    • Application Date set to This Year

    • # of Associated Sourcing Workflow set to greater than 0

  • Talent Pool Pipeline - This chart keeps track of the number of candidates across certain talent pools. To create this chart, build and save a Sourcing Workflow search with the following filter and grouping:

    • Filter: Talent Pool set to all desired talent pools

    • Group-By: Talent Pool

  • Candidates by Source - This graph displays candidates within talent pools and is broken down by source name to determine which avenues are the most effective at attracting talent. To create this graph, build and save a Sourcing Workflow search with the following filter and grouping:

    • Filter: Talent Pool set to all desired talent pools

    • Group-By: Source Name

Feature Highlight Dashboard Series

The 5-part Feature Highlight Dashboard series provides tips and best practices for creating and managing effective dashboards for different types of users of the iCIMS system. Topics covered include how to set up unique dashboards for different user groups by adding and arranging new panels and widgets. The series also provides example reports and widgets tailored to different roles that help boost efficiency, streamline the overall user experience, and promote ease of use and adoption by users. The articles within the series are listed below:​


Additional Resources

TitleFeature Highlight: Configuring Dashboards for Sourcing Specialists
URL NameFeature-Highlight-Configuring-Dashboards-for-Sourcing-Specialists

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