The searches and reports identified in the Common Reports article are the most commonly requested and include this report type in iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS). To learn how to run searches and reports in iCIMS ATS, refer to the Creating a Recruiting Workflow Search article. To learn how to save a report for future use, refer to the Saving Search & Output Templates article.
iCIMS ATS enables users to track specific metrics that can help companies optimize their recruitment programs and gauge their return on investment. Time-to-Hire and Time-to-Fill Reports are two ways that recruiters can leverage to measure their successes. The Time-to-Fill Report calculates from the day the job is created in the system up until the day a candidate is hired for the job. The Time-to-Hire Report calculates from the day the candidate’s profile is created in the system up until the day the candidate is hired for a job. Both of these reports are populated by specific Recruiting Workflows.
Accessing Time-to-Fill and Time-to-Hire Reports
Time-to-Fill and Time-to-Hire reports may be accessed by selecting Search on the menu bar, then Recruiting Workflow. Within the Search Template dropdown list, select Time-to-Fill Report or Time-to-Hire Report. Click the Search button to run the search.
Key Time-to-Fill reports may be accessed via the Reporting Center, depending on your system's configuration.
Selecting Columns for Time-to-Fill and Time-to-Hire Reports
The standard Time-to-Fill Report provided with iCIMS ATS includes a set of default filters and output parameters, as shown below:
Warning: The system's Time-to-Fill Clock does not stop if a job is put on hold or if the job is moved into the Not Approved folder status, and it counts weekends and holidays. Be sure to alter the columns accordingly if your company’s time-to-fill metrics are calculated differently.
Example: An organization that bases time-to-fill metrics on when the job was approved instead of when it was created can add the Days in Approved (Avg) column to the Time-to-Fill Report. The steps below will demonstrate this process. (Note: The steps are similar for selecting and changing columns included in Time-to-Hire Reports.)
- Select Search on the menu bar, then Recruiting Workflow. Within the Search Template dropdown list, select Time-to-Fill Report.
- From the Search Form, locate the Recruiting Workflow: Output section to view the data that is currently included in the report.
- Use the Add Column button to add the Days in Approved (Avg) column. The selection is Columns > Job File > Job > Reporting & Advanced Options - Foldering > Days in Approved (Avg).
- View the newly-added column in the column list.
- Tip: Any newly-added items will automatically be added to the bottom of the existing list but can be moved by clicking the grip icon to the left of the column and dragging it to the desired place in the Pick Columns list. (To delete new or existing columns, click the red Delete icon to the right of the column.)
- Click the Search button.
- View the updated search results with the newly-added and reorganized columns.
Tip: If you would like to identify Time-to-Fill by recruiter, run a Time-to-Fill report by going to
Search > Recruiting Workflow, then select
Time-to-Fill Report in the Filters Search Template dropdown list. For the Output, delete
Total as a Group-by, then use the Add Group-By button to add
Recruiter : Full Name : First Last. The selection is
Group-Bys > Job File > Job > Detail Tab > Recruiter > Contact Tab > Full Name: First Last. Use the Add Level button and then the Add Group-By button to add
Job : Title. The selection is
Group-Bys > Job File > Job > Detail Tab > Title.
Further Information: If your organization calculates Time-to-Fill in a different way, or if you would like to create custom metrics, please refer to the
Creating and Reporting on Time Based Metrics article for more details.