
Introduction to the Recruiting Workflow Profile

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Note: This article pertains to the classic iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) Recruiting Workflow profile. If you are using the New iCIMS UI, review the New iCIMS: Navigating the Application Profile article for information on the equivalent New iCIMS profile.

If you are not sure which UI you are using, check the New iCIMS toggle next to the search bar to the upper right. If the toggle is on (to the right), you are using the New iCIMS UI; if the toggle is off (to the left), you are using the classic iCIMS UI.


iCIMS Applicant Tracking enables users to review and manage information regarding a candidate in association with a specific job within a Recruiting Workflow profile. This profile represents the relationship between a Person profile and a specific Job profile. This profile was created to help clients review a candidate efficiently, and to save them the time and clicks that were previously necessary to review both candidate and job information.

When working with candidates, users will typically access both the Person profile and the Recruiting Workflow profile. The Person profile contains all information about that candidate, such as contact information and post-hire employee information and tasks. Each candidate should only have one Person profile. For additional information about Person profiles, please refer to the Introduction to the Person Profile article. The Recruiting Workflow profile contains information about that candidate as it relates to a specific job, such as assessments taken during that job’s application process. One candidate can have multiple Recruiting Workflow profiles, because one is created each time a candidate is associated with a new job.

A Recruiting Workflow profile may be accessed through a Recruiting Workflow search, from the Link icon beside the job title in an associated candidate's Person profile Workflows tab, or from the Link icon beside a candidate's name on a Job profile People tab (displayed below), among other navigation options.
An image that highlights the Link icon that will navigate a user to a Recruiting Workflow Profile from a Job Profile.
The Link icon, when clicked, will direct the user to the specific Recruiting Workflow profile for the relevant candidate and job.

Recruiting Workflow Profile

An image that shows the top section of a Recruiting Workflow Profile, including the profile card, recent activity feed, and default tabs.

Profile Card

The profile card, located at the top left of each profile, displays basic, relevant information for the specific profile type. On the Recruiting Workflow profile, the profile card features the candidate's profile picture (if available) or an initials icon. The following information will display, if provided. The profile card also houses a Share button in the upper right corner.

  • Profile Picture (if available) or initials icon
  • System ID (if enabled)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Middle Name (first initial)
  • Current Job Title
    • This value will reflect the Title field of the candidate's most recent job, as listed on the Experience tab, or it will reflect the Job Title field listed on the Employee tab if the person is a current employee.
  • Ratings
  • Title of the associated job
  • Bin and status for the associated job
  • Advance/Reject buttons
    • These buttons can be used to move the candidate to another workflow status directly from the Recruiting Workflow profile.
Note: The information denoted above cannot be edited directly in the profile card. To edit any of the above information, the user first needs to navigate to the corresponding field and tab that houses the information.
An image that displays the profile card on the Recruiting Workflow Profile

The profile card and factoids on a Recruiting Workflow profile that is associating an active candidate with an approved job.


Each Recruiting Workflow profile has different factoids depending on the folder of the job it is associated with. Clicking on a factoid brings the user to the tab that houses the referenced information on the Recruiting Workflow profile.

Profiles Associated with Approved Jobs

  • Distance from Job: the candidate's distance from the job
  • Other Submissions: the number of other jobs the candidate is associated with
  • Source: the per-job source of the Recruiting Workflow profile

Profiles Associated with Jobs in Any Other Folders

  • Status: the candidate's current recruiting workflow status
  • Last Updated Date
  • If a factoid contains a truncated value, hovering over the factoid will display the value in full.
  • The ability to view a factoid (and sometimes a factoid's clickability) is based on a user group's permissions to view the information that the factoid displays. For more specific details on factoids, see Creating and Editing Profile Factoids.


Recent Activity Feed

Below the factoids, the Recent Activity Feed lists up to five recent updates to the profile (or related to the profile). Users have the option to load more entries by selecting the Load More button. 
An image that displays an example of the Recent Activity Feed on a Recruiting Workflow Profile.

Users with the appropriate permissions will have access to a Read More button that expands additional details about an action or change. Furthermore, each type of activity has an associated glyph that is appropriate to the activity (e.g. an envelope beside an entry about a sent email) and a timestamp. Hovering over the timestamp on an entry displays the date and time the activity took place.

By default, the Recent Activity Feed will not be filtered. However, users can select the drop-down above the feed to filter the entries so they can only see one type at a time (e.g. Appointments, Profile Edits, etc.).

For further details on the Recent Activity Feed, including permissions and more examples of the types of activities that are tracked, see Understanding the Recent Activity Feed.

Recruiting Workflow Profile Tabs

  • Resume: View, edit, or upload a new resume.
  • iForms: View and edit the candidate’s iForms in the iForm Center.
  • Offer Details: View and edit job-specific Offer Detail information.
  • Offer Approval: View and edit an approval list and/or the approval email sent to users in the approval list.
  • Experience: View and edit the candidate’s experience.
  • EEO: View and edit the candidate’s EEO Information.
  • Source (Workflow): View and edit job-specific Source information.
  • Screen: View the candidate’s job-specific and person Screening Question responses, as well as additional job-specific screening tools such as Assessments, Video Interviewing, and more depending on your organization’s current screening processes.
  • Schedule: Schedule appointments with the candidate.
  • Email: View and compose email.
  • Notes: View and edit/add notes to the Candidate and Recruiting Workflow profile.
  • Other Workflows: View other Jobs, Talent Pools, and New Hire Categories with which the candidate is associated.


  • Tabs such as Source (Workflow), Offer Details, and Offer Approval are specific to the Recruiting Workflow profile. Tabs such as Resume, Experience, EEO, etc., are pinned to the Recruiting Workflow profile from the Person profile and share information with the equivalent Person profile tab. Tabs such as Screen, Schedule, Notes, etc., include information from the equivalent tab on the Person profile but are organized differently within the Recruiting Workflow Profile to display job- and candidate-specific information in an intuitive manner for users.
  • Additional tabs may be pinned to the Recruiting Workflow profile; for additional information please refer to the Pinning a Tab to the Recruiting Workflow Profile article.
  • Some tab options may display within a More drop-down. Available options are based on the configuration of the system and user access permissions.

Additional Resources: Working with Candidates

The iCIMS Knowledge Base includes additional resources on working with candidates in iCIMS Applicant Tracking. Click here to access related resources.
TitleIntroduction to the Recruiting Workflow Profile
URL NameIntroduction-to-the-Recruiting-Workflow-Profile

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