
iCIMS Text Engagement: Generating and Understanding Reports

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The iCIMS Text Engagement web application Reporting page provides quick access to key metrics and data on messages, campaigns, user statistics, candidates, etc. Text Engagement users in the Customer Admin, Manager, and Reporter roles can access the Reporting page to view summaries of standard outbound sending and inbound response metrics and to generate reports for download with additional data. Report results can be narrowed down by a specific timeframe to provide meaningful data to managers and reporters.

This article provides Customer Admin, Manager, and Reporter users with steps on generating reports and overviews of standard reports.

This article is composed of the following sections:

Generating Reports for Download

The iCIMS Text Engagement Reporting page allows Manager and Reporter users to generate reports in .xlsx format for download. The steps below outline generating a report.

  1. From the dashboard, click Reporting on the left sidebar to open the Reporting page.
  2. From the Reporting page, select an option from the Timeframe dropdown; this automatically updates the summary metrics displayed on the Reporting page. Available Timeframe options are as follows:
    • Last 30 Days (default)
    • Last 90 Days
    • All Time
    • Custom
  3. Select an option from the Report dropdown; this automatically updates the summary metrics displayed on the Reporting page. Report options are described in the Understanding Available Reports section below.
An image that displays selecting a report.
  1. Click Generate Report; this launches the File Downloads page.
  2. From the File Downloads page, click Download in the Download Link column to download the report that has been generated.
    • Note: If the system needs additional time to generate a report, the Status column on the File Downloads tab displays Pending and the Progress column displays the applicable percentage of report completion.
  3. Open the downloaded report to view the report.
Note: Users can access a generated report for up to 14 days from the File Downloads page; for more information on this, review the next section of this article, Downloading Previously Generated Reports.

Downloading Previously Generated Reports

Once a report has been generated from the iCIMS Text Engagement Reporting page, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article, users can download it from the File Downloads page in the system for up to 14 days. Reports are permanently deleted after 14 days.

An image that displays the File Downloads page.

To access the File Downloads page and access recently generated reports, click Downloads on the left sidebar. The File Downloads page displays the following columns:

  • File: The name of the report that was generated on the Reporting page.
  • Started: The date and time that the report was generated.
  • Status: The status of the report (e.g., Complete or Pending).
  • Progress: The percentage of system progress in generating the report.
  • Download Link: Click this link to download the report.
    • Note: The download link for each file expires after 10 minutes on the File Downloads page. To generate a new download link, refresh the page using the icon at the bottom of the page or a browser refresh.

Understanding Available Reports

Standard reports are available on the iCIMS Text Engagement Reporting page to provide managers and reporters with key summary metrics and downloadable data; these streamlined reports are non-configurable.

An image that displays an example report summary.
An example of the Messages report summary metrics on the Reporting page.

This section outlines the following types of reports:

Note: Steps to generate these reports for download are available in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.


The Messages report summary provides key inbound and outbound data organized by unique candidate communications (i.e., initial messages to candidates) and total candidate communications (i.e., all back-and-forth messages to candidates). This data allows users to compare the effectiveness of initial messages to candidates vs. back-and-forth messages to candidates.

Unique Candidate Communications

The following summary items display for the Unique Candidate Communications section of the Messages report for the given timeframe:

  • Messages Sent: Displays the number of initial messages sent (outbound) to candidates.
  • Response Rate: Displays the percentage of candidates who have responded (inbound) to initial messages. Hovering over the infographic displays the number of candidates who have responded to initial messages in green and the number of candidates who have not responded to initial messages in gray.
  • Response Time: Displays the average time in minutes for candidates to respond (inbound) to initial messages.
  • Responses: Displays the number of candidate responses (inbound) to initial messages.
  • Total Responses: Displays a bar chart of candidate responses (inbound) to initial messages broken down by Unique Responses, Messages Received, Clicks, and Phone Calls. Hovering over each bar in the chart displays the respective number of responses.
  • Median Response Time (Minutes): Displays a bar chart of the median response time to initial messages in minutes broken down by All Responses, Message Responses, and Clicks. Hovering over each bar in the chart displays the respective number of minutes.

Total Candidate Communications

The following summary items display for the Total Candidate Communications section of the Messages report for the given timeframe:

  • Total Messages Sent: Displays the total number of all back-and-forth messages sent (outbound) to candidates.
  • Messages Sent: Displays a pie chart of all back-and-forth (outbound) messages broken down by Individual Messages and Campaign Messages. Hovering over the green piece displays the number of individual messages; hovering over the blue piece displays the number of campaign messages.
  • Total Responses: Displays a bar chart of all back-and-forth candidate responses (inbound) broken down by Unique Responses, Messages Received, Clicks, and Phone Calls. Hovering over each bar in the chart displays the respective number of responses.
  • Median Response Time (Minutes): Displays a bar chart of the median response time in minutes to all back-and-forth messages broken down by All Responses, Message Responses, and Clicks. Hovering over each bar in the chart displays the respective number of minutes.

User Breakdown

The User Breakdown section of the Messages report includes details broken down by each Text Engagement user for the given timeframe, such as their number of inbound messages, number of outbound messages sent, number of calls, response time, and unique response rate.

Additional data broken down by message is available in the download of the Messages report, including the candidate name, phone number, status, etc.


The Campaigns report provides data on campaign activity for the given timeframe for managers and reporters to gauge the effectiveness of campaign messages.

Campaign Activity

The following summary items display for the Campaign Activity section of the Campaigns report for the given timeframe:

  • Campaigns Sent: Displays the total number of campaigns sent (outbound).
  • Candidates Contacted: Displays the total number of candidates contacted with campaign messages (outbound).
  • Response Time: Displays the average time in minutes for candidates to respond (inbound) to campaign messages.
  • Response Rate: Displays the percentage of candidates who have responded (inbound) to campaign messages. Hovering over the infographic displays the number of candidates who have responded to campaign messages in green and the number of candidates who did not respond to campaign messages in gray.


The Breakdown section of the Campaigns report includes details broken down by each campaign, such as the number of candidates contacted, number of inbound responses received, number of outbound messages sent (including drip messages), response time, and response rate.

Additional data broken down by campaign is available in the download of the Campaigns report, including the status of the campaign and the number of candidates who responded.

Basic User Stats

The Basic User Stats report provides data organized by unique communications (i.e., initial communication with candidates) and total communications (i.e., all back-and-forth communication with candidates). This report allows managers and reporters to gauge the effectiveness of their engagement with candidates over time.

Basic Statistics Unique Communications

The following summary items display for the Basic Statistics Unique Communications section of the Basic User Stats report for the given timeframe:

  • Messages Sent: Displays the number of initial messages sent (outbound) to candidates.
  • Responses: Displays the number of candidate responses (inbound) to initial messages.
  • Response Time: Displays the average time in minutes for candidates to respond (inbound) to initial messages.
  • Response Rate: Displays the percentage of candidates who have responded (inbound) to initial messages.

Basic Statistics Unique Candidate Send/Response

The Basic Statistics Unique Candidate Send/Response section displays a line chart of the number of initial messages sent (outbound) to candidates compared with candidate responses (inbound) from candidates for the given timeframe. Hovering over the points in the graph displays the respective number of sent messages and responses.

Basic Statistics Total Communications

The following summary items display for the Basic Statistics Total Communications section for the given timeframe:

  • Messages Sent: Displays the number of all back-and-forth messages sent (outbound) to candidates.
  • Responses: Displays the number of candidate responses (inbound) to all back-and-forth messages.
  • Response Time: Displays the average time in minutes for candidates to respond (inbound) to all back-and-forth messages.
  • Response Rate: Displays the percentage of candidates who have responded (inbound) to all back-and-forth messages.

Basic Statistics Total Candidate Send/Response

The Basic Statistics Total Candidate Send/Response section displays a line chart of the number of all back-and-forth messages sent (outbound) to candidates compared with candidate responses (inbound) from candidates for the given timeframe. Hovering over the points in the graph displays the respective number of sent messages and responses.

User Breakdown

The User Breakdown section of the Basic User Stats report includes details broken down by each Text Engagement user for the given timeframe, such as their number of inbound message responses, number of outbound messages sent, number of calls, response time, and response rate.

Additional data broken down by user is available in the download of the Basic User Stats Report, such as the total clicks, total unsubscribe, etc.


The Candidates report provides managers and reporters with key details broken down by candidate, including candidate tags. This report does not currently have a summary page. It can only be downloaded for review, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.

Note: When limited to a specified time range, the report includes only candidate records created during that time range.

The downloaded Candidates report always includes the following column headers in .xlsx format with applicable candidate data:

  • Created (i.e., the time stamp for when the candidate was created)
  • Candidate ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Source (e.g., iCIMS or Nexxt)
  • Source ID
  • Status (e.g., active or deleted)
  • Do Not Text
    • Note: This shows the time stamp for when the candidate was marked Do Not Text, if applicable.
  • Created By
  • Created By Source (e.g., TextApply)

The downloaded Candidates report also includes column headers for tags identified as Include in Reports on the Tags page. Applicable tags display in the column header as Tag: {tag name}. The candidate row value is true when the tag is currently added to the candidate profile, and the row value is blank when the tag is not currently added to the candidate profile. For more information on tags, review the iCIMS Text Engagement Adding and Managing Tags article.

Do Not Text

The Do Not Text report provides data on candidates who have opted out of Text Engagement messages from an organization.

Do Not Text Statistics

The following summary items display for the Do Not Text Statistics section of the Do Not Text report for the given timeframe:

  • Candidates Contacted: Displays the total number of unique candidates contacted from the system.
  • Total Unsubscribe Rate: Displays the percentage of candidates who have unsubscribed out of all candidates contacted. Hovering over the infographic displays the number of candidates who have unsubscribed in red and the number of candidates who are active in gray.

Do Not Text by User Activity

The Do Not Text By User Activity section of the Do Not Text report includes details broken down by each Text Engagement user for the given timeframe, such as their number of candidates contacted, number of candidates unsubscribed, and unsubscribe rate.

Additional data broken down by candidate is available in the download of the Do Not Text Report, including the unsubscribe date and phone number.

Users Report

The Users Report provides managers, admins, and reporters with detailed information about their organization’s Text Engagement users.

This report does not currently have a summary page. It can only be downloaded for review, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.

The downloaded Users Report includes the following column headers in .xlsx format with applicable data:

  • Created (Date)
  • User ID
  • Username
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Credits Used
  • Do Not Text
  • Status
  • Last Login
  • TextRecruit Phone (Number)
  • Role
  • Team Name
  • Team ID
  • ATS Person ID

Annual Report

The Annual Report summary includes data on the candidate response rate over time in line charts for the given timeframe.

Unique Candidate Send/Response

The Unique Candidate Send/Response chart displays the number of initial texts sent to candidates (outbound) and candidates’ initial responses over time (inbound). Hovering over the points on the graph displays the number of initial texts sent to candidates in green and initial responses from candidates in blue for each corresponding date at the bottom of the graph.

Total Candidate Send/Response

The Total Candidate Send/Response chart displays the number of all back-and-forth communications with candidates over time. Hovering over the points on the graph displays the number of all back-and-forth texts sent to candidates (outbound) in green and any responses from candidates (inbound) in blue for each corresponding date at the bottom of the graph.

User Breakdown

The User Breakdown section includes details broken down by each Text Engagement user for the given timeframe, including their number of inbound messages, number of outbound messages, response time, and response rate.

Note: The Annual Report cannot be generated in .xlsx format for download.

Credit Activity

The Credit Activity report provides managers, admins, and reporters with detailed information about their company’s credit usage. A credit (or contact) for Text Engagement is the measurement iCIMS uses for messaging. Whenever a user sends a message to a candidate or employee for the first time, or for the first time in more than 45 days, a credit is deducted from the total available monthly contacts remaining on their account.

This report does not currently have a summary page. It can only be downloaded for review, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.

Note: This report can only be run for a timeframe up to the past 12 months.

The downloaded Credit Activity report includes the following column headers in .xlsx format with applicable credit use data:
  • Date/time: Displays the date of the message.
  • Team: Displays the name of the user’s team; if the user is not on a team, this field is blank.
  • User: Displays the name of the user who sent or received the message.
  • Event name: Displays whether the message was inbound or outbound.
  • Event message: Displays the candidate’s name and phone number as well as whether the message came via TextApply.
  • Credits: Displays the number of credits (0 or 1) used communicating with the candidate.

User Working Hours

The User Working Hours report provides managers, admins, and reporters with detailed information about their users’ working hours. This allows organizations to ensure that users’ working hours are set correctly in the system to facilitate automated interview scheduling. For more on the Working Hours setting, review the Working Hours subsection of the iCIMS Text Engagement: Understanding Profile Settings & Preferences article.

This report does not currently have a summary page. It can only be downloaded for review, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.

The downloaded User Working Hours report includes the following column headers in .xlsx format with applicable data:

  • Username
  • First name
  • Last name
  • User Timezone
  • Last Login
  • Working Hours Last Modified
  • Working Hours [Day] (e.g., Working Hours Monday, Working Hours Tuesday, etc.)

Team Audit Log Report

The Team Audit Log Report provides managers, admins, and reporters with detailed information about changes to their organization’s Text Engagement teams. This report creates an audit trail for the creation, editing, and deletion of teams.

This report does not currently have a summary page. It can only be downloaded for review, as described in the previous Generating Reports for Download section of this article.

The downloaded Team Audit Log Report includes the following column headers in .xlsx format with applicable data:
  • Team Name
  • Team ID
  • Action
  • Change
  • User
  • Date
TitleiCIMS Text Engagement: Generating and Understanding Reports
URL NameiCIMS-TextRecruit-Generating-and-Understanding-Reports

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