Common Reports article identifies the most commonly requested searches and include this report type in iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS). To learn how to run searches and reports in the iCIMS system, see
Creating a Recruiting Workflow Search. To learn how to save a report for future use, see
Saving Search & Output Templates. For more information about Source data, see
Understanding & Managing Source Data.
Hired Candidate Source Report
Helpful Hint: When creating a search, it is helpful to first come up with a clear idea for your report. Think about which candidates you want to report on (the "Who"), what details you want to know about them (the "What"), and how you want to organize the information (the "How"). The more specific you are with your idea, the easier it will be to break it down into these three sections, which will help you choose the right Keywords and Filters (for "Who"), Columns (for "What"), and/or Group-Bys and Sort-Bys (for "How") for your report. This three section concept is used below to create a Hired Candidate Source Report.
Scenario: You have received your new sourcing budget for the year. To be effective, you want to figure out source information for each of your hires to see which sources attracted the most top talent, which will allow you to spend the budget wisely.
1. Break your report idea down into the three sections to help determine the best way to create your search:
- Who are you reporting about: Using keywords and filters, you can narrow your search down to show only candidates who were hired.
- What do you want to know about them: Using columns, you can make sure your search results show these candidates' source information.
- How would you like this information organized: Using group-bys and sort-bys, you can group and sort your search results by the candidates' source information.
2. To create your search inside the iCIMS system, from the top menu bar, select
Search > Recruiting Workflow. The "Who," "What," and "How" directly correlate with the three sections
(A, B, and C, respectively) outlined in the below image.
Keywords and Filters: Who are you reporting about?
To search for and report on only hired candidates, add a hired status filter.
- Keywords: N/A for this report.
- Filters:
- Click Add Filter and add Status. The selection path is General > Status.
- Select Hired: Hired (or your equivalent Hired status) from the list to the right of the added filter.
- Tip: If you use more than one Hired status in your workflow, select multiple statuses from the list by pressing the Ctrl (or Cmd) key on your keyboard and clicking all the relevant statuses in the list.
B. Columns: What do you want to know about these candidates?
To capture the most detailed source information, use both the Source and Source Name columns. Source is the general source, and Source Name is information that specifies the general source, if applicable (e.g. "Job Board" is a Source, whereas "CareerBuilder" is a Source Name).
- Click Add Column and add Source. The selection path is Source (Workflows) Tab > Source.
- Click Add Column and add Source Name. The selection path is Source (Workflow) Tab > Source Name.
C. Group Results By and Sort Results By: How would you like this information organized?
To quickly view the number of candidates that came from each source, group your search results by Source. Then, add another level of grouping by Source Name, to easily see the number of candidates that came from each more specific source. Lastly, sort the results in ascending (A to Z) order, if desired.
- Click Add Group-By and add Source. The selection path is Source (Workflow) Tab > Source.
- Click Add Level to add a secondary grouping. A "Then, group by the following" box will display.
- Within this new box, click the Add Group-By (green plus sign) icon and add Source Name. The selection path is Source (Workflow) Tab > Source Name.
- Sort Results By (optional):
- Click Add Sort-by and add Source, using the same selection as above. Choose Ascending (A to Z) to alphabetize your information by Source.