
Exporting Search Results & Reports

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A number of iCIMS Talent Cloud products that allow users to export search results and reports on an as-needed basis to make information easily accessible include: 

  • iCIMS Connect (Legacy CRM) 
  • iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS)
  • iCIMS Offer Management 
  • iCIMS Onboarding 

Exporting Search Results and Reports

  1. Navigate to a search form and enter all desired search criteria, or open a saved search template. (Refer to the steps within the Creating a Job Search, Creating a Person Search, or Creating a Recruiting Workflow Search articles for example criteria and steps to add these criteria for three of the most popular types of searches.)
  2. Select the More button, then select Export to download the search results as a report.
    An image that highlights the Export functionality within the search form.
    • The Export button may display at the top of your search results (rather than in the More drop-down), depending on the number of actions you have access to and your screen size.
    • If you do not wish to download all results for the search, select the appropriate option within the Select drop-down (e.g., All on Page) to manage which results to download.
       An image that displays the Select dropdown selection options.

      Alternately, use the check boxes to the left of each individual result to export only the items you specify.
  3. If your search output has groupings, select Export All Levels and click the Export button to export all search results. If your search result does not have groupings, choose the desired format and then click Export.


    • For Grouped Outputs: Levels pertain to the grouping that has been applied to your search results. For a high-level view, such as a list of just hiring managers from our example, select Export 1 Level Only. For a more detailed view and more data, select additional levels.
    • For Non-Grouped Outputs: Reports that do not have groupings may be exported in additional formats beyond Excel, such as CSV, TAB (tab-delimited), and XML.
  4. The Export popup will display a loading message while the file is generated. (If you would not like to wait on this screen, click Close & Email When Ready, and a link to download the file will be emailed to you when it is generated. This link will only be active for seven days and may only be accessed for download by the user who initiated the report while the user is logged into the system.) If you choose to wait on this screen, select Download File to open or save the file once the file is prepared.
    • Tip: Up to five search exports may take place at any given time.
  5. Open the downloaded report in Microsoft Excel (or an alternate appropriate third-party tool). The export may then be saved locally, printed, and emailed to others.
    • Tip: User admins may now schedule up to 25 reports to be exported on a recurring basis without requiring assistance from iCIMS Technical Support. These reports can be sent via email to recipients, including those who do not have profiles within the iCIMS system, allowing user admins to keep executive-level stakeholders in the loop. For more information, please see Creating and Editing Scheduled Reports.

Searching & Reporting Curriculum

The iCIMS Knowledge Base includes additional resources to prepare users to use iCIMS system's searching and reporting tools. These resources have been compiled in the following article: Searching & Reporting Curriculum.

TitleExporting Search Results & Reports
URL NameExporting-Search-Results-Reports

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