
Managing Notes within a Profile

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iCIMS Hiring Suite users can store notes within profiles using the Notes tab. Users can create, edit, delete, and print notes on each profile; they can also search within notes on a profile. Recruiters and user admins have access to the full functionality of the Notes tool. Hiring managers generally only have access to edit and delete notes that they created.


  • This article focuses on the Notes tab within the Person and Recruiting Workflow profiles, where it is most commonly used. However, other profiles, such as Job and Location (or Company) profiles, also support the capture and display of relevant free-text notes within the Notes tab.
  • This article includes examples specific to the Notes panel of the Notes tab, though many of the features and steps are relevant to the Appointments and Other panels as well.

This article is composed of the following sections:  

Navigating the Notes Tab on the Person or Recruiting Workflow Profile

The Notes tab within each Person and Recruiting Workflow profile displays up to three kinds of information in distinct panels:
  • Notes: This panel displays free-text notes recorded by system users, including submittal/rejection notes and rejection statuses.
  • Appointments: This panel displays all appointments the person has been sent from the system.
  • Other: This panel displays other miscellaneous historic communications for data retention purposes, if applicable. This can include, but is not limited to, the following examples:
    •  A job’s hiring manager’s Person profile Other panel displays notes added to their assigned Job profile Notes tab.
    • A job’s recruiter’s Person profile Other panel displays their new job recruiter notifications.

If a panel is collapsed, as shown in the screenshot below, it can be expanded by clicking the downward-facing arrow below the panel. Once the panel is expanded, previews of the notes, appointments, etc. display.
An image that highlights the Notes Tab on a Person profile.

The number of notes/appointments available displays on the far right of each panel. When the number is greater than zero, a small gray arrow displays beside the number. Clicking the arrow or clicking directly on the panel itself brings the user to a detailed Contact Note Search Results view of the notes, appointments, etc.

Each preview contains the name of the person who created the note/appointment, the note/appointment's subject, the beginning of the note/appointment's body, and either the note’s creation date and time stamp or the appointment’s scheduled date and time. Notes and appointments/interviews created from the Recruiting Workflow profile also display the job ID and job title of the Job profile which they are associated with underneath the note/appointment creator's name.
An image that highlights the expanded Notes panel.

  • On a Recruiting Workflow profile, the Notes tab offers two viewing options: users may show notes within a specific panel for only the relevant job (Show This Job Only) or all jobs for that candidate (Show All).
An image that highlights the two viewing options available on the Notes Tab.
  • After clicking one of the three panels (Notes, Appointments, Other), you can go back and explore another panel by clicking the Notes tab again. This brings you to the main panel listing.

Creating Notes

This section of the article demonstrates how to create a note on a profile. The note is automatically date and time stamped and indicates the name of the user who created the note.

  1. Select the Notes tab on the appropriate profile.
  2. Click the Add Note button to create a new note for the profile.
  3. Enter a subject, if desired, in the Topic field of the Add Note popup. Enter the content of the note in the text box. Click the Save button to save the note to the profile.

Note: The date displays in the Sent/Start Date column in search results. The current date and time display by default when adding a note, however a different past or future date can be selected.

Editing Notes

This section of the article demonstrates how to edit a note on a profile.

  1. Select the Notes tab on the desired profile. Expand the appropriate note panel by clicking the down arrow underneath the panel.
  2. With the panel expanded, click the desired note and then click the Edit button to launch the Add Note editor popup.
  3. Edit the note in the text box. Click the Save button to save the changes. (Note: The date and time do not automatically update to the date and time of the edit. Update the Date field when editing the note to select a new date and time, if desired.)
Tip: An alternative way to view and edit notes on a one-off basis is via the following process:
  1. Select the Notes tab on the desired profile, and click the gray arrow on the right side of the correct panel to open the Contact Note Search Results view.
  2. From the search results view, determine which note should be edited.
    • To preview a note from the search results view prior to launching the note editor, click the down arrow to the right of the note subject. This displays the current note’s message within the Contact Note Search Results view and can assist the user in identifying the correct note to edit.
  3. To edit the text of a note from the search results view, click the subject of the note. This launches the Add Note popup.
  4. Edit the note. Click the Save button to save the changes.

Deleting Notes

This section of the article demonstrates how to delete a note on a profile.

  1. To delete a specific note, select the Notes tab on the desired profile. Make sure that the appropriate note panel is expanded, and click the desired note. (Deleting notes in bulk is discussed in the tip below this section.)
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. Review the popup confirmation message, then click OK to delete all instances of this note. (If you do not wish to delete the note at this time, click Cancel to exit the popup without deleting the note.)
Tip: An alternative way to delete notes in bulk or on a one-off basis is via the search results view. The search results view may be launched from the Notes tab of a profile:
  1. Select the Notes tab on the desired profile, and click the gray arrow on the right side of the correct panel to open the search results view.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the desired note(s), then click the Delete button, which may display as an option within the More dropdown.
  3. Review the popup confirmation message, and click Delete to delete all selected notes.

Printing Notes

This section of the article demonstrates how to print one or more notes on a profile.

  1. Select the Notes tab on the desired profile, and click the gray arrow to the right of the Notes panel to open the search results view.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the desired note(s), then click the Print Notes button to launch the Print Messages window.
  3. Click the Print button in the Print Messages window to print the note(s).

Searching Notes

This section of the article demonstrates how to search within notes on a profile.

  1. Select the Notes tab on the desired profile, and click the gray arrow on the right side of the correct panel to open the search results view.
  2. Click the Search Form button to launch the Contact Note Search.

An image that highlights the Search Form button on the Notes Tab search results view.

  1. Select the specific data or fields to use in the search, and click the Search button to view the results of the Contact Note Search.


  • The Keywords field of the Contact Note Search can be used to search by keyword on all notes and note subjects. This field can also be used to search on multiple terms through Boolean search phrases when search Type Boolean is selected.
  • Only notes that display on this profile are available within search results launched from this location.
  • An alternative way to run a Contact Note Search is by selecting Search on the menu bar from anywhere in the system and then selecting Contact Notes from the dropdown menu. (The Contact Notes option may appear under the More… submenu.) This search includes all contact notes in the system that meet the described criteria.
TitleManaging Notes within a Profile
URL NameManaging-Notes-within-a-Profile

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