
Understanding Data Syncing Between iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) and iCIMS Candidate Experience Management (CXM) or iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

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For customers with both iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) and either iCIMS Candidate Experience Management (CXM) or iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management (CRM), these products can be configured to sync data between them. The standard configuration is to sync data bidirectionally, both from ATS to CXM or CRM and from CXM or CRM to ATS. However, because these products capture different information, certain types of data only sync in one direction. Some data fields can also be synced continuously, whereas others can be imported from one product to the other but are not synced after this initial import.

Note: Continuous data syncing is triggered as soon as a relevant data field is updated, but exporting the data from one product to the other is not instantaneous and can take time for the syncing to complete.

The sections below provide detailed information about what data fields can be synced from each product to the other and how often.  

ATS to CXM or CRM Sync

Many standard ATS data fields can be exported to CXM or CRM via a one-time sync to bring over historical data during implementation, and then configured to sync continuously moving forward. Other data fields can only be imported via a one-time sync but cannot be synced continuously.

The ATS to CXM or CRM sync does not overwrite or duplicate data that is identical in both ATS and CXM or CRM. It does overwrite the original CXM or CRM data if the matching ATS profile includes new or different information.

Details of what data is synced, and the frequency, are outlined in the sections below.  

One-Time Sync Only

Some types of data can only be imported from ATS to CXM or CRM via a one-time sync. They do not sync in either direction afterward.

The following data types are only synced once at implementation:
  • Emails/Messages
  • Notes
  • iCIMS Connect Talent Pools
    • If iCIMS Connect is an enabled product in the iCIMS ATS, iCIMS can initiate a one-time copy during CXM or CRM implementation.  This copy creates a Pipeline in iCIMS CXM or CRM corresponding to each Talent Pool and places all candidates from the Talent Pool into the corresponding Pipeline.

Continuous Syncing

The following types of data are synced continuously as part of the ATS to CXM or CRM sync.

Recruiter and Candidate Data

Global Person Profiles for both recruiters and candidates sync data from ATS to CXM or CRM. Most of this data is the same, but the sync includes some additional data about recruiters in order to manage their access to CXM or CRM. This data is synced continuously to ensure up-to-date access settings are maintained across products.
  • Recruiters must be synced from ATS to CXM or CRM in order for Universal Login to work. This feature allows ATS users who are also enabled as CXM or CRM users to log in to CXM or CRM directly from the ATS. For more information on Universal Login, review the iCIMS Universal Login FAQ.
  • CXM or CRM recruiter and recruiter admin user settings are synced from the ATS to CXM or CRM based on ATS User List values that are set up during CXM or CRM implementation.
    • Note: An ATS user admin is not necessarily a CXM or CRM recruiter admin, and an ATS user’s User List value will determine whether they have admin access to CXM or CRM.
  • For organizations whose hiring manager users in ATS do not need access to CXM or CRM, the sync can be configured during implementation to exclude imports of users in Hiring Manager folders.
The following candidate and recruiter data fields can be set to import historical data from ATS to CXM or CRM via a one-time sync during implementation and then to sync continuously whenever a field is updated in ATS.

Note: Fields with an asterisk (*) are required for candidate creation in CXM or CRM.
ATS FieldCXM/CRM FieldNotes
firstNameFirst Name*direct copy
lastNameLast Name*direct copy
emailEmail*direct copy; field names refer to email address, not contents of emails
emailLogin ID*direct copy; field names refer to email address, not contents of emails
loginATS Username*direct copy
folderFoldercopies active folders that are not hidden
login groupPolicydirect copy
 Type*defaults to Candidate unless ATS User List includes values for CRM Recruiter or CRM Admin, which default to Recruiter; users in HM: Active folder imported as Recruiters but does not grant CRM access
userlistsRole*sets to Recruiter if ATS User List is set to CRM Recruiter; sets to Admin if ATS User List is set to CRM Admin
activeEmployeemetadata.employeeTypeif ATS activeEmployee = yes, then CRM metadata.employeeType = employee
address.addressstreet1address1direct copy/create location entry
address.addressstreet2address2direct copy/create location entry
address.addresscitycitydirect copy/create location entry
address.addresszipzipnot updated
address.addressstatestatedirect copy/create location entry
address.addresscountrycountryName*direct copy/create location entry
address.addresstype not updated
address.primary if primary, update address fields on UserValue
address.defaultAddress not updated
address.entryIDlocation.atsIddirect copy
createdDatecreatedAtdirect copy
donotmailsubscribedif donotmail = true, subscribed = false
if donotmail = false, no impact to subscribed
hiredhiredset to True if not blank
phonenumberphone.valuedirect copy
phonetypephone.typeNamedirect copy
entryIdeducationValue.atsIddirect copy
majoreducationValue.majordirect copy
schooleducationValue.schooldirect copy
degreeeducationValue.degreedirect copy
educationstartdateeducationValue.startdatedirect copy
GraduationdateeducationValue.enddatedirect copy
IsgraduatededucationValue.currentset to opposite
entryIdemploymentValue.atsIddirect copy
WorktitleemploymentValue.titledirect copy
WorkdescriptionemploymentValue.descriptiondirect copy
WorkemployeremploymentValue.companyNamedirect copy
WorkstartdateemploymentValue.startDatedirect copy
WorkenddateemploymentValue.endDatedirect copy
tagattributehidden tags do not import; non-hidden tags import as active and visible
entryIdskill.atsIddirect copy
skill or skillsetskill.namedirect copy
WillingtorelocaterelocationPreferenceIdyes = y; no = n
SourcenamereferringSourcedirect copy
resumedocumentsdirect copy
titletitledirect copy
PortalacceptprivacypolicyPRIVACY_POLICYdirect copy
portalacceptgdprGDPRdirect copy
if Portalgdprconsenttype = Time-Based Conent in ATS, TIME_BASED_CONSENT = true in CXM/CRM
if Portalgdprconsettype = Job-Based Consent in ATS, JOB_BASED_CONSENT = true in CXM/CRM

CXM and CRM include protocols to avoid creating duplicate candidate profiles. For more information on duplicate prevention in CXM and CRM, review the Understanding How iCIMS Candidate Experience Management (CXM) and iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) Avoid Creating Duplicate Profiles article.

Job Posting Data

The following job posting data fields can be set to import historical data from ATS to CXM or CRM via a one-time sync during implementation and then to sync continuously whenever a field is updated in ATS. Data is only imported from posted jobs; unposted jobs are not included in the data sync.
ATS (Job Posting Service) FieldCXM/CRM (Job Service) FieldNotes
jobPosting.isInternal OR jobPosting.isPublicinternalIf OMP flag = true, based on jobPosting.isInternal; otherwise based on jobPosting.isPublic
isTelecommuteLocationTypeLocationType is set to ANY when isTelecommute is TRUE
 LocationType is set to LAT_LNG (specific location) when isTelecommute is FALSE

Application Data

In addition to the candidate and job data listed in the previous sections, hiring workflow status information is also continuously synced from ATS to CXM or CRM.

 CXM or CRM to ATS Sync

The CXM or CRM to ATS sync continuously sends data from iCIMS CXM or CRM to iCIMS ATS and is usually configured at the same time as the ATS to CXM or CRM sync. While the ATS to CXM or CRM sync sends recruiter, candidate, jobs, and applications information to CXM or CRM, the CXM or CRM to ATS sync only sends candidate information back, since this is the only information updated in CXM or CRM.

Note: iCIMS recommends having both the ATS to CXM or CRM sync and the CXM or CRM to ATS sync configured to work in concert. However, it is possible to configure the ATS to CXM or CRM sync without the CXM or CRM to ATS sync if a customer wants to source information from ATS to CXM or CRM but does not require updates from CXM or CRM to ATS.

The CXM or CRM to ATS sync does not overwrite or duplicate data that is identical in both ATS and CXM or CRM. It does overwrite the original ATS data if the matching CXM or CRM profile includes new or different information.
CXM/CRM FieldATS FieldNotes
folderfolderno change if update, otherwise new folder
firstNamefirstNamedirect copy
lastNamelastNamedirect copy
emailemaildirect copy
loginIdlogindirect copy
atsPasswordpassworddirect copy
authAtauthAtdirect copy
address1address.addressstreet1direct copy
address2address.addressstreet2direct copy
cityaddress.addresscitydirect copy
zipaddress.addresszipdirect copy
stateaddress.addressstatedirect copy
countryNameaddress.addresscountrydirect copy
 address.addresstypedirect copy
 address.primarytrue if set as primary location in CRM profile
 address.defaultAddresstrue if set as primary location in CRM profile
location.atsIdaddress.entrydirect copy (or null if locations structure is empty)
location.address1address.addressstreet1direct copy
location.address2address.addressstreet2direct copy
location.cityaddress.addresscitydirect copy
location.stateaddress.addressstatenew State(state)
location.postalCodeaddress.addresszipdirect copy
location.countryNameaddress.addresscountrydirect copy
 address.addresstypedirect copy
phone.valuephonenumberdirect copy
phone.typeNamephonetypedirect copy
educationValue.atsIdentrydirect copy
educationValue.majormajordirect copy
educationValue.schoolNameschooldirect copy
educationValue.degreedegreedirect copy
educationValue.startDate None
educationValue.endDateGraduationdatedirect copy
educationValue.currentIsgraduatedIf listed as current student, Isgraduated = No; if listed as not current student, Isgraduated = Yes
employmentValue.atsId direct copy
employmentValue.titleWorktitledirect copy
employmentValue.descriptionWorkdescriptiondirect copy
employmentValue.companyNameWorkemployerdirect copy
employmentValue.startDateWorkstartdatedirect copy
employmentValue.endDateWorkenddatedirect copy
attribute.atsIdentrydirect copy
skill.atsIdentrydirect copy
skill.nameskilldirect copy
relocationPreferenceIdWillingtorelocatey = Yes
n = No
referringSourceSourcenamedirect copy
 Source“Nurture CRM”
documents[0]resumedirect copy
PRIVACY_POLICYPortalacceptprivacypolicydirect copy
GDPRportalacceptgdprdirect copy
TIME_BASED_CONSENTPortalgdprconsenttypeif Portalgdprconsenttype = Time-Based Conent in ATS, TIME_BASED_CONSENT = true in CXM/CRM

Data fields that are not listed above cannot be synced from CXM or CRM to ATS.
TitleUnderstanding Data Syncing Between iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS) and iCIMS Candidate Experience Management (CXM) or iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)
URL NameUnderstanding-Data-Syncing-Between-iCIMS-Applicant-Tracking-ATS-and-iCIMS-Candidate-Relationship-Management-CRM

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