
Editing ARI Responses for Q&A Categories

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iCIMS Digital Assistant (formerly ARI) Q&A uses pre-determined question mapping, organized into about 70 categories of question types (also known as intents), to recognize the question a candidate is asking and appropriately reply with a pre-configured response.

All Q&A categories have default responses set by iCIMS; however, it is recommended as best practice for managers and customer admins to review and maintain accurate and relevant responses within the iCIMS Text Engagement (formerly TextRecruit) web application. Managers and customer admins can update responses for each category in the Ari Responses section of their Preference Settings page.

This article is composed of the following sections:

Note: If your organization uses the Digital Assistant Q&A feature and you do not have access to the Ari Responses section as a manager or customer admin, contact iCIMS Technical Support.

An image that displays the ARI Responses section.
The Ari Responses section of the Preference Settings page

In the Ari Responses section, categories are organized alphabetically. Managers and customer admins can view the following details for Q&A categories from this section’s preview:

  • A description of the types of questions or statements that trigger the category
  • The response that the digital assistant sends the candidate when the category is triggered
    • Note: The preview displays the current response in the default language (English).

Additionally, managers and customer admins can view the following details from the expanded view of a category:

  • Current response configured for each enabled language. To enable a supported language that is not currently available in the Ari Responses section, contact iCIMS Technical Support. Supported languages include:
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • Dutch (Belgium)
    • English
    • English (United Kingdom)
    • French (Canadian)
    • French (France)
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Polish
    • Portuguese (Brazil)
    • Russian
    • Spanish (Mexico)
    • Spanish (Spain)
    • Swedish
    • Thai
  • Example candidate questions that trigger the specific category (if applicable)
    • Note: For more information on the candidate questions/statements mapped to a specific Q&A category, contact iCIMS Technical Support.

Viewing and Editing Individual Ari Responses

The steps below outline how managers and customer admins can edit Ari Responses individually from the iCIMS Text Engagement (formerly TextRecruit) web application.

  1. From the dashboard, click your name in the top right corner. Then, select Preferences to launch the Preference Settings page.
  2. From the Preference Settings page, click the applicable category preview in the Ari Responses section to expand the view; the configurable text boxes display for each enabled language in the expanded view.
    • Tip: Q&A categories are searchable by keyword via the Search (magnifying glass) icon in the upper right corner of the Ari Responses section.
An image that displays a preview of the Allergies intent.
A preview of the Allergies category

An image that displays the expanded view of the Allergies intent
The expanded view of the Allergies category
  1. Edit the desired response in the text box(es) for the applicable language(s). A red X and green check box display beneath the box once you edit the text.
    • Note: Responses must be 1600 characters or less.
  2. Click the green check mark beneath each edited text box to save your changes to the response for each applicable language. A black check mark then displays, and the red X is removed to confirm that a response has been updated.
    • Notes:
      • Clicking the red X removes all changes and reverts the updated text back to the previous text.
      • Clicking Done exits the expanded view for the category; clicking Done does not save any changes to the responses.
An image that displays saving a change to an updated response.
An example of saving a change to an updated response

Viewing and Editing Multiple Ari Responses

Text Engagement managers and customer admins can view and edit multiple Ari Responses in bulk via the export and import feature. This section outlines exporting and importing Ari Responses.

Exporting Ari Responses 

Managers and customer admins can export Ari Responses to review them in bulk by clicking the Export (download) icon in the Ari Responses section. Then, a CSV file is downloaded with the following columns: 
  • Category 
  • Description 
  • Language 
  • Example
  • Response 
Note: If an organization uses multiple Q&A sequences, they should first select the applicable sequence they wish to review the digital assistant responses for to download the appropriate sequence responses.
Tip: Use the exported file to review multiple digital assistant Q&A responses in bulk. The responses in the exported file can also be modified and imported back into the web application (described in the next section) to streamline updates to digital assistant Q&A responses. 

Importing Ari Responses 

This section outlines how a manager or customer admin can import multiple updates to Ari Responses via the import feature. First, the manager or customer admin must prepare a file to be imported. Then, they can follow the steps to upload the import file, outlined below.

Preparing the Import File

The Ari Responses import file must contain the following columns, outlined below. The file must be formatted as an Excel or CSV file.
An example Ari Responses import file
An example import file
  • Category: The Category column values must match the category existing in the system exactly as it displays in the web application. Categories cannot be updated. 
  • Language: The Language column values must match an available language that exists in the web application already, exactly as it displays in the web application. Language names cannot be updated. 
    • Note: New languages cannot be enabled via import functionality. To enable a new language for the multilingual digital assistant, submit a case to iCIMS Technical Support. 
  • Response: The Response column values are used as the new digital assistant response for the applicable category and language upon successful import. There is a 1600-character limit for responses. 

Uploading the Import File

Once the Excel or CSV file is prepared and ready for import, as described in the previous Preparing the Import File section, this section outlines how managers and customer admins can upload the import file to update multiple Ari Responses. 
  1. From the Preference Settings page, click the Import Ari Responses (plus) button in the Ari Responses section; this launches the Upload From File popup. 
    • Note: If an organization uses multiple Q&A sequences, they should first select the applicable sequence to update that sequence's responses. The selected sequence name displays at the top of the Upload From File popup.
  2. On the Upload From File popup, click Select File, then choose a CSV or Excel file to upload. The file then automatically processes.   
  3. The system attempts to map the columns from the file to the corresponding Text Engagement Category, Language, or Response column (each is required). In the mapping preview, the column name from the file is listed in parenthesis below the suggested Text Engagement column. If an accepted mapping is not detected for a given column, it is labeled as Unmapped.
    • Note: If a Category, Language, or Response mapping is not assigned to a given column, the column will be excluded from the import.
  4. Review the mapping preview, then take one of the following actions: 
    • If the mapping is correct, continue to step 6. 
    • If the mapping is incorrect, click No, Remap and continue to step 5.  
  5. To update a mapping, click the dropdown in the appropriate column and select the desired field. Repeat as needed for each incorrect or unmapped column. When finished, click Remap.  
  6. Once the Category, Language, and Response are mapped correctly, click Yes, Import to import the file. The file then processes, and the applicable digital assistant responses are updated in the system. 
TitleEditing ARI Responses for Q&A Categories
URL NameEditing-ARI-Responses-for-Q-A-Intents

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