
Configuring Your iCIMS Video Studio Workspace

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With iCIMS Video Studio, your organization can showcase your authentic employer brand through employee-generated video testimonials. Video Studio consolidates and streamlines the video creation, editing, captioning, and publication process.

Note: iCIMS Video Studio is only available to customers hosted in the US or EU.

The sections below provide instructions for an admin user to configure a new Video Studio workspace.

Note: Except for the personal profile settings, these configurations apply to all users in the workspace. iCIMS recommends each workspace’s admin users coordinate to assign configuration tasks so that all are completed and none are duplicated.


Completing Your Personal Profile

Admin users can complete their personal profiles by completing the steps below.
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Profile.
  3. Enter your first name, last name, and job title in the appropriate text fields.
  4. Set the Push Notifications and Email Notifications toggles to On or Off, as desired.
  5. If your organization has the workspace digest email enabled, select your preferred time interval (Never, Weekly, Biweekly, or Monthly) from the Workspace Digest Email Frequency dropdown menu.
  • Note: The workspace digest email provides a high level overview of platform activity over whatever interval is set.
  1. Assign yourself user tags as appropriate. For more information on user tags, review the Tagging and Filtering Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.
  2. Once you have made any desired changes, select Save.

Branding Your Videos

Admin users can set branding collateral for their workspace by completing the steps below.
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Branding tab.
  4. In the Logo panel, select the space under Select Image to upload a logo.
  • Note: The uploaded file must be in .png, .jpg, or .jpeg format.
  1. In the Colors panel, enter the hex codes for the desired primary, secondary, and accent colors into the corresponding text fields.
  2. In the Default Avatar panel, select the space under Select Image to upload a shared avatar for the whole workspace to appear on externally posted videos.
  • Note: The uploaded file must be in .png, .jpg, or .jpeg format and should be 512 x 512 pixels.
  1. In the Fonts panel, select the plus button to upload any custom fonts needed.
  • Note: The uploaded fonts must be in .woff, .otf, or .ttf format, and your organization should have a license to use each font.

Tagging Your Videos

Creating and assigning tags is an important part of helping your audience find the content that’s meaningful to them. However, it may be helpful to have a content strategy in place and a few videos recorded before deciding what tags are needed. For more information on tagging and filtering options and considerations, review the Tagging and Filtering Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.

Setting Access Levels

By default, users can only access a Video Studio workspace via an invitation sent by an admin user. However, organizations can choose to enable the following alternate options by completing the listed steps.

Grant Access by Domain

When enabled, this option allows anyone with an email address ending in a specified domain to access the workspace as an employee user. This option may be appropriate for organizations that have a dedicated email domain and want all employees to easily access and answer default questions, but its security depends on the specified email domain being limited to appropriate users. iCIMS recommends only enabling this option if access is granted via SSO.

Note: New users who create accounts via this access method only have access to default questions until nominated by an admin user. If no default questions have been created, new users can access the workspace but have no available actions to take. For more information on question prompts, review the Creating Questions and Requesting Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.

To enable this option, follow the steps below:
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Access tab.
  4. In the Grant Access by Domain panel, select the plus button. A text field displays. Enter your organization’s domain into the text field and select Save.

Grant Access by SSO

Organizations with Corporate Single-Sign On (SSO) can leverage their own Corporate SSO Identity Provider (IdP) to access Video Studio. If your organization is interested in leveraging this feature, have your system admin submit a case to iCIMS Technical Support.

Grant Access by Workspace Name

If enabled by an admin user, this option allows any user with a Video Studio login to access a workspace by searching for the workspace name. Enabling this feature provides a way for users to access the workspace as an employee user without needing a direct nomination to submit an answer video responding to a specific question. Users who access your workspace via this method must agree to your organization’s Terms and Conditions for the workspace, and their access only allows them to fill out their own profile and to review and respond to default questions.  Any videos submitted require approval by an admin user. This access is not limited to users associated with your organization; enabling this feature allows your workspace and default questions to be accessed by anyone with a Video Studio login (although they cannot view any content other than default questions). Disabling this feature prevents users from searching for your workspace by name.

  • This option is best suited to organizations that want to prioritize ease of access for users to submit videos and that want to use default questions instead of or in addition to specific nominations.
  • If you want to enable similar ease of access but restrict it to users from your organization, and your organization has one or more proprietary email domains, consider enabling the Grant Access by Domain option instead.
  • If you want to receive videos from a wide range of users, including users from outside your organization or who do not have organization-specific email addresses, but want more control over who can respond to which questions, consider using the App-Free Recording feature.

To enable this option, follow the steps below:
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Access tab.
  4. In the Grant Access by Workspace Name panel, set the toggle to Enabled.

Configuring Workspace Settings

The Workspace tab within Settings allows admin users to configure several defaults that apply to all workspace users. The settings and their configuration options are listed below.


The Name panel lists the workspace’s name and URL slug, which is configured during implementation. Admin users can change the name of the workspace if needed, but the URL slug is provided for reference and is not configurable.

Reminder Emails

The Reminder Emails panel allows admin users to enable reminder notifications for employee users who have been nominated to respond to questions but have not yet submitted answer videos. To enable this feature, select the Send Reminder Notifications toggle. Enter the number of business days to wait before sending a reminder email into the Days Before Reminder Email text field.

Language Options

The Language Options panel lists the default language for the workspace; to change this, select another language from the Default Language dropdown menu. Some languages offer the ability to specify a region or dialect; if so, toggles will display, which you can turn on or off as appropriate.

By default, closed captions for Video Studio videos are transcribed by AWS; to have your workspace’s videos transcribed by a human instead, select the Human Transcription toggle. For more information on transcription and translation in Video Studio, review the Reviewing Captions and Selecting Languages for Translations in iCIMS Video Studio article.

Data Privacy

The Data Privacy panel allows admin users to set a point of contact for data privacy requests for the workspace. This point of contact must be a Video Studio admin user. To set a point of contact, select that user’s email address from the Primary Contact dropdown menu.

Workspace Defaults

The Workspace Defaults panel allows admin users to set certain question defaults for the whole workspace rather than on a question-by-question basis. Users can set a default video orientation, a default video duration, a default number of days before a nomination expires, and/or a default guideline.

For more information about these settings, and about question prompts in general, review the Creating Questions and Requesting Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.

Additional Features

The Additional Features panel offers admin users the ability to share a How To video with employee users and the ability to view and edit Foreign Data Types (i.e., custom data fields). In a Video Studio – Offer & Onboarding workspace, the panel also allows admin users to select the Onboarding question hiring managers are nominated to respond to for new hires when automatic Hiring Manager nominations are enabled.

How To videos are video tutorials on video creation which are available to all employee users in the Video Studio mobile location when they log in. Admin users can set their How To videos using the following steps:
  1. Record your own How To video in Video Studio or nominate another user to do so.
  2. Approve the video and complete any desired edits in the Lab. For information on the Lab, review the Editing Video Studio Content with the iCIMS Video Studio Lab article.
  3. From the Answer Details popup, select the Videos tab. A list of videos associated with this Answer displays.
  4. Select the three dots icon next to the video you want to set as your workspace’s How To video and select Copy Link. Select the X icon in the upper right to exit the Answer Details popup.
  5. In the upper right corner select your User Options dropdown menu, then select Settings.
  6. Select the Workspace tab in Settings. In the Additional Features panel, paste your video URL into the How To Video URL text field.
  7. Select Save.

For information on Foreign Data Types and their uses, review the Tagging and Filtering Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.

For information on selecting an Onboarding question for a Video Studio – Offer & Onboarding workspace, review the Selecting a Question for Automatic Hiring Manager Nominations section of the Creating Questions and Requesting Videos in iCIMS Video Studio article.

App-Free Recording

The App-Free Recording panel displays in workspaces with app-free recording enabled and allows admin users to configure what data should be collected when users record using this feature. This data mirrors the information in a user’s profile and allows for greater consistency between videos generated by registered users and videos generated through app-free recording.

Admin users can set each of the following to be required, optional, or disabled using the associated dropdown menus:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Job Title

For more information on app-free recording, review the Creating Questions and Requesting Videos in iCIMS Video Studio and Recording and Submitting Videos in iCIMS Video Studio articles.

Translating Videos

Admin users can set up to ten languages in which to provide closed captions for your organization’s videos by completing the steps below.
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Translations tab.
  4. Select the checkboxes next to up to ten languages.
  • Note: The default language for your workspace is automatically selected and this checkbox cannot be cleared. However, you can change your workspace’s default language within the Workspace tab.

For more information on translations and closed captions, review the Reviewing Captions and Selecting Translations in iCIMS Video Studio article.

For a list of available languages, review the iCIMS Video Studio section of the Understanding the Languages Available in iCIMS Talent Cloud Products  article.

Uploading Custom Terms and Conditions

Admin users can set custom employee-facing Terms and Conditions (usually a standard photo or video release) by completing the steps below.
  1. In the desktop browser version of iCIMS Video Studio, select your User Options dropdown menu to the upper right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Custom Terms tab.
  4. Enter your organization’s Terms & Conditions into the text area.

  • Registered users are required to accept the Terms & Conditions the first time they record a video. After that they are only asked to accept again if the Terms & Conditions are updated.
  • Users recording with app-free recording are required to accept the Terms & Conditions for each video.
  • Terms & Conditions can include hyperlinks following the format described above the Terms & Conditions text area but are otherwise limited to plain text.

Creating and Editing Email Templates

Video Studio includes several email templates, which admin users can customize. To access your workspace’s email templates, select your User Options dropdown menu and select Email Templates.

Within this section you have several options:
  • Use the dropdown menu in the upper left to select a category of email templates to review.
  • Select Compose to the right of a template to compose an email starting from that template.
  • While composing an email, select any of the text areas to the left to customize the email text. Changes display in the preview panel to the right.
    • Note: For Employee Invitation email templates, the Custom Invitation Template (and additional templates created from it) allows greater text customization than the Basic Invitation Template. It also allows you to include a video.
  • Create a custom template by duplicating an existing template, customizing it, and selecting Save as New Template.
  • Within the Email Templates page, use the Workspace Default toggle to select which template in each category should be the default for that workspace.

TitleConfiguring Your iCIMS Video Studio Workspace
URL NameConfiguring-Your-Video-Studio-Workspace

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