
Configuring Optional GDPR Consent Fields in iCIMS Applicant Tracking

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The iCIMS Talent Cloud is capable of supporting customer efforts to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA, etc.). For organizations using iCIMS Applicant Tracking (ATS), iCIMS Offer Management, and iCIMS Connect (Legacy CRM), the system includes a set of configurations that enable a customer to display a privacy notice to its candidates, capture acceptance or consent to the notice if desired, and manage data subject or privacy requests.

The experience that candidates have on a career site or portal depends upon the configurations and messaging chosen by the customer and enabled by its user admin.

The feature described in this article builds off of the optional privacy notice feature in iCIMS ATS, Offer Management, and Connect.

Feature Prerequisites & Notes

The optional GDPR consent fields feature requires the privacy notice feature to be enabled, including the following basic configurations:
  • The Enable Data Privacy Notice (Full text) setting must be enabled
  • The GDPR Consent Capture Type For New Candidates and GDPR Consent Capture Type For Existing Candidates must to be set to either Capture Consent for Everyone or Only Capture Consent for EU/UK Residents.
Full information regarding the privacy notice feature is available via the Understanding the Privacy Notice Feature & Data Request Messaging Options article.

  • The optional GDPR consent fields feature is compatible with the optional time-based and job-based consent feature.
  • Information entered into the optional GDPR consent fields is erased if a candidate withdraws consent.

Configuring Optional GDPR Consent Fields

For customers that use the privacy notice feature as part of their system privacy configurations, the user admin can optionally add up to 5 custom text fields to the screen on which a candidate provides affirmation of consent.

As a best practice, the user admin may wish to add a new section and/or new custom text fields to a relevant tab on the Person profile (Admin > System Configuration > System > Person > Platform) prior to presenting custom text fields to candidates.

Note: To learn about adding a new section and/or new custom text fields to support this feature, review the Adding and Editing Profile Tab Sections article and the Adding a Custom Field to a Profile Tab Section section of the Adding and Editing Fields article.

Once the custom text fields are available on the Person profile, the user admin can add them to the career site/portal by adding them to one or both of the new GDPR Consent sections, as relevant:

  • iCIMS ATS: Admin > System Configuration > System > Person > Portal (Recruit - Candidate) > Main Page
  • Connect: Admin > System Configuration > System > Person > Portal (Connect) > Quick Info
An image of the ATS system configuration section for these fields.

Optional GDPR consent fields display to candidates at the stage in the process when a candidate provides affirmation of consent. The candidate must complete these custom text fields and affirm their consent in order to progress.
An image of the new custom field option.
In the example screenshot above, the New Text Field has been added to the ATS career site experience. Text is for illustrative purposes only.

  • It is a best practice to maintain consistency in terms of the fields required within one candidate experience (e.g., a connected iCIMS ATS career site and Connect portal, if applicable), unless the customer has alternate privacy requirements that conflict with this practice.
    • If necessary, these fields can be managed separately for iCIMS ATS career sites (which also affects the Offer Management login experience, if applicable) and Connect portals; within each product, these fields can be configured per career site/portal or for all career sites/portals.
  • Custom text fields included in either GDPR Consent section can be hidden or unhidden. All custom text fields that are not hidden on a career site/portal are treated as required and not read-only, regardless of their Required and Read-Only attributes.
TitleConfiguring Optional GDPR Consent Fields in iCIMS Applicant Tracking
URL NameConfiguring-Optional-GDPR-Consent-Fields-in-iCIMS-Applicant-Tracking

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