
2017-17.3 Release Notes: Misc. Fixes & Updates

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17.3 Release Notes: Misc. Fixes & Updates

Note: These Release Notes are no longer updated. For updates, see

This is a section of the 17.3 Release Notes. For more sections, please see 17.3 Release Notes.

This section contains the following entries: To review updates made to this section of the 17.3 Release Notes, see the Document Updates section below.

Misc. Fixes & Updates


Accessibility for Highlighted Values in a Dropdown

When users use their keyboard to highlight (or hover over) a value in a dropdown, that value becomes the selected value once they tab away. If they return to the dropdown, the screen reader will read that selected value.

Updated Skip to Content Link Display

Career portals that have the Skip to Content link enabled include an invisible link at the top of each career portal page that allows individuals accessing the career portal via a computer with a screen reader tool to skip navigation links within the career portal’s branding. This setting is controlled by the Enable Skip Link propkey in System Configuration.

The link text now displays when the link receives keyboard focus. Once the user focuses on a different element of the career portal, the link text becomes invisible again.

Portal Accessibility Updates

A number of updates have been made to improve portal accessibility via screen reader. These updates enable screen readers to more effectively present information to candidates.


Update to Connect Portal Job Recommendation Fields

For iCIMS Connect customers with both job recommendations and new portal aesthetics enabled, the job recommendations page displays Job Card postable fields, excluding the Description field.


Improved Dashboard Widget Search Template List

To quickly locate a desired search template when configuring a Dashboard widget, the Search Template dropdown now features a type-to-search box for easy filtering of the list options.

An image of the Created Widget settings.

Updated Menu Bar

The menu bar at the top of the Platform has been updated with new colors, styles, and icons, providing a more visually appealing user experience. All functionality remains the same.

The updated menu bar at the top of the Platform.

The most noticeable update is the background color. The menu bar now has a white background, as opposed to a light gray color. In addition, the Metrics Dashboard icon (pie chart) is now multicolored.

The new menu bar has a white background.
New menu bar

The previous menu bar had a light gray background.
Previous menu bar

In dark theme, the background color is a darker gray, and the iCIMS logo is now all white.

The new menu bar in dark theme.
New menu bar in dark theme

The previous menu bar in dark theme.
Previous menu bar in dark theme

Other menu bar updates (for both the standard and dark theme menu bars) include:

  • Vertical lines have been added to separate the iCIMS logo, pie chart, and Create menu.

  • When hovering over or selecting any menu item, the highlight color is now blue.


The new menu bar has a blue highlight color.
New menu bar

The previous menu bar had a gray highlight color.
Previous menu bar

  • New toggle switches appear in the User Options menu (like the one to turn dark theme on/off).


The User Options menu on the Platform's new menu bar.
New menu bar

The User Options menu on the Platform's previous menu bar.
Previous menu bar

Additional UI Enhancements to Dashboard

The following UI enhancements have been made to the Dashboard:

Updates to Styles and Icons

  • The background of the Dashboard is now gray.

  • Text links have been updated with a new style. This includes the way that text links display when a user hovers over them.

  • The Drag to Reorder (grip) icon has been updated; it now features six dots instead of eight.

  • The View Options (v) icon and Collapse (–) icon have been updated with a new style; the icon becomes highlighted in gray when the user hovers over it.

A panel on the Dashboard with updated icons.
  • The way it looks when you drag and drop a panel has been updated.

Updates to Borders, Lines, and Spacing

  • A border has been added to panels, and there is no longer a dark line below the panel title.

  • In dark theme, the border underneath the menu bar is now darker; the border color of panels is also darker.

  • Widget titles are now aligned with the panel title.

UI Updates to Specific Panels

The following enhancements have been made to these specific panels and widgets:


  • Chart widgets have a new Go to Search Results (paper/magnifying glass) icon.

  • The time frame dropdown on these widgets has new styling, which includes a new chevron (down arrow).

A Chart widget with the new search results icon and restyled time frame dropdown.

Key Metrics

  • Padding has been added above and below the title of the Key Metric panel.

Quick Links
  • Text within the Quick Links panel has been restyled. For instance, the Quick Links title is now in all caps, the Shortcuts title is no longer bolded, and link text is now blue.

  • Quick Links buttons are now smaller, as is the chevron (right/left arrow) to open and close the panel.

  • A horizontal border now appears between each button on the Quick Links panel. Additionally, there is no longer a blue border underneath the Shortcuts title.

The Previous Quick Links Panel             The new Quick Links Panel
The previous Quick Links panel (left) and the new, restyled Quick Links panel (right).


  • In Report widgets, the color of the description is now a darker gray. The description, which is pulled from the Description field of the saved search template, is displayed directly underneath the report title.


  • RSS widgets have a new chevron (plus/minus sign) to expand and collapse each title. In addition, the date of the feed is now smaller, lighter in color, and without a gray background.

  • Extra space has been added between the bottom of the date and the top of the feed text.

An RSS widget with the new chevron and restyled feed date.
  • The Feed unavailable error message is now red, with no icons or background color. 

Search Preview

  • In Search Preview widgets, the More Results link is now larger and no longer contains ellipses.

A Search Preview widget with the restyled More Results link.
  • Extra space has been added above the top widget and below the bottom widget within the panel.


  • Padding has been added to increase the amount of white space within the Text panel.


New Profile URL Email Variable

Recruit Workflow Profile URL is a new email variable that provides the email recipient a link to an associated Recruiting Workflow profile. Note that the recipient will be prompted to log in to the iCIMS Talent Platform prior to viewing the linked profile. This variable functions similarly to the existing Job Profile URL and Profile URL variables. Recruit Workflow Profile URL can be used in any email with Associated Recruiting Workflow Variables options available when selecting Add Variable.

The Add Variable drop down menu with Recruiting Workflow highlighted.     The Recruiting Workflow variable popup with the new variable highlighted

File Library

Update to File Library Appearance and Upload Process

The appearance of the File Library was updated to better align with other Platform table formatting and allow for sorting and filtering within columns.
The Upload File button uploads the selected file in a single step; the previous process required a secondary confirmation step to upload.


Update to Preparer and/or Translator Section of I-9 iForm

In the Preparer and/or Translator Certification section of the I-9 iForm, candidates now only have to select the number of preparers and/or translators they have used. Contact information fields for those preparers and/or translators are no longer accessible by candidates.

The hiring organization is now responsible for obtaining the name and email address of each of the candidate's preparers and/or translators, creating a profile in the system for each one, and sending them the I-9 to fill out the appropriate contact information fields. (Instructions for sending a one-time iForm packet can be found here.) After completing the form, the preparer and/or translator can sign off on the information, ensuring that the signature is authenticated.


Integration Validation

iCIMS has introduced improved validation for search templates tied to Event Notifications and Data Exports to ensure the proper information is being transmitted via active integrations. Integration validation improvements allow for early detection and prevention of potential issues caused by configuration changes, as well as provide clearer insight into those errors so that corrective action can be taken.

When an Event Notification or Data Export is triggered within the system, the Platform detects and logs detailed warning information for any issues with the underlying search template, such as identifying unavailable filters or columns. If an integration is unable to access a filter or column on its underlying search template, incorrect or incomplete information may be transmitted. By pinpointing the affected filter or column, these types of issues are more easily diagnosed, leading to streamlined troubleshooting and faster resolution times.

Strict Mode

By default, an integration that fails validation will still run. This behavior is consistent with pre-17.3 functionality. If preferred, Strict Mode can be enabled for Event Notifications and/or Data Exports, which will prevent integrations that fail validation from running.  Once the underlying issue is resolved, the next time the integration is triggered, it will successfully run. To enable Strict Mode, contact iCIMS Technical Support. 

Note: Only exports containing missing filters are stopped; exports missing columns will continue to run.

Email Notifications

Email notifications can be enabled to alert certain individuals if an integration fails validation. An email containing details relating to the failure is sent out when an integration first fails validation, including the original and modified values of the associated search. Once the issue is corrected, and the integration passes validation, a follow-up email is sent out confirming the issue has been resolved. Multiple recipients can be configured to receive these notifications. Note that specified recipients will receive both notifications of the failure as well as the resolution email; separate recipient lists cannot be configured.

The text for the failure and success emails for both Event Notifications and Data Exports can also be configured separately.

To enable email notifications for Integration Validation, specify the notification recipients or update the notifications’ text, contact iCIMS Technical Support.

Note: Email notifications cannot be enabled/disabled by integration type (e.g. notifications cannot be enabled for Event Notifications only). 


New Accept Privacy Policy Field and Setting

A new setting has been added to career portals. The setting Accept Privacy Policy First is disabled by default; if enabled, it requires applicants to first accept the privacy policy before they submit their email address.
To enable this setting, Ask Email First and/or New Portal Aesthetics must be enabled. Then, search System Configuration for Accept Privacy Policy First, select the correct portal from the User Group dropdown (if necessary), check the checkbox, and save. This setting enables a checkbox on the career portal that, by default, is unchecked. The portal will not allow an applicant to submit their email address until they have checked the checkbox.

Two additional new settings have been added to manage the text and messaging provided to applicants on the portal. These are available in the same area of System Configuration as the Accept Privacy Policy First setting and can be managed for all career portals or on a per-portal basis:

  • Label: Accept Privacy Policy has the default text I accept the Privacy Policy.

  • Note: You may wish to update the default text in order to specify to the candidate what you are asking them to agree to accept and/or to meet any laws or policies that may apply to your organization. The field supports up to 100 characters and does not support links.

  • Message: Accept Privacy Policy (Accessibility) has the default message You must indicate that you have read and accept the Privacy Policy before you can continue. This message is for use with screen readers.

A new standard field, Do you accept the privacy policy?, has been added and is hidden and required by default. The purpose of this field is to capture the fact that the candidate provided a response to the checkbox.
This field is a single-select list editor dropdown with one option. By default, this option is displayed as I Accept. If this field is available and a candidate checks the box controlled by the Accept Privacy Policy First setting, the I Accept value is automatically recorded in this field on the candidate profile.

  • Tip: For the automatic response recording to function correctly, do not add additional options to this dropdown

This field can be accessed by searching System Configuration for Do you accept the privacy policy? or rcf3080. By default, this field is located under the Contact tab on the Person profile.

  • Note: There may be cases where an organization's users create person profiles on behalf of candidates (or other entities) or candidate information is imported into the Platform via flat file or API. If the rcf3080 - Do you accept the privacy policy? field is exposed on the candidate profile, a user with appropriate permissions can enter values into these fields during the Create New Person process or update the values on an existing candidate profile (e.g., if a candidate profile is created by email import), if merited. If these fields are exposed on the candidate profile, values for these fields can also be included as fields in a flat file or API person import. ​
To import into these fields, use the following person import headers. Standard rules for creating or updating profiles via import apply.​
Field LabelImport HeaderAccepted Values
Do you accept the privacy policy?rcf3080For "Yes," use 26002
Accepted values reflect the list node ID for each response option available.
The customer must ensure that any manual updates made to these fields are in compliance with the customer's policies.

Updated iForm Packet Display Count for New Portal Aesthetics

Application processes that include a portal-specific iForm step now display a form counter after the Portal Specific Forms step label. The counter displays the number of the current iForm in the order presented to candidates, followed by the total number of iForms (e.g., Portal Specific Forms (2/3))

Job Listing Sort for New Portal Aesthetics

User admins can set the default way that job listings are sorted on career portals that leverage the new portal aesthetics. To access this setting, search System Configuration for Configure Postable Fields and click the Configure link, then select the Job Card: Order By option on the Section dropdown.

  • To add a new criterion, click Add Entry and then select the desired option within the listed Sort-Bys.

  • Criteria can also be moved, removed, or edited within the Job Card: Order By section.

Show/Hide Advanced Search

By default, all Advanced Search filters (Category, Company, Posted Date, Position Type, Location) are displayed underneath the keywords field—without any show/hide capability.

Users can add this show/hide capability through a setting in System Configuration called Show/Hide Advanced Search. (This is off by default.) With this setting enabled, an Advanced Search link appears underneath the keywords field. Clicking this link reveals the Advanced Search filters.

  • Note: When the filters are displayed, a Close Advanced Search link appears. Clicking this link hides the filters once again.

A portal with the Show/Hide Advanced Search setting disabled (the default).

Shown above, a portal with the Show/Hide Advanced Search setting disabled (the default). The five Advanced Search filters automatically appear below the keywords field.

A portal with the Show/Hide Advanced Search setting enabled.

Shown above, a portal with the Show/Hide Advanced Search setting enabled. An Advanced Search link appears below the keywords field; clicking it reveals the five Advanced Search filters.

Options Updated for Setting

The Include Metadata setting in System Configuration now only includes options for "Disabled" and "Enabled." Previously, the options included "Disabled," "Microdata (Deprecated)," and "JSON-LD." "The "Microdata (Deprecated)" option has been removed, and the "JSON-LD" option has been renamed to "Enabled."

Page Titles for Portal Application Steps

The page titles for portal application steps take the form Career Centers | [Application Step] - [Job Title].

This update does not currently apply to the iForm application step, but that enhancement is under development. Once available, the information displayed for the iForm application step page header can be updated by searching System Configuration for Header: Page Title (iForm).

Job Card Postable Field URL Update for New Portal Aesthetics

Postable fields with the Text Field (URL) type display a hyperlink within the gray rectangular icon within the job card on portals that leverage new aesthetics.

Misc. Portal Design Updates for New Portal Aesthetics

Several small design updates have been made to portals that leverage new portal aesthetics. This includes minor updates to margin, text, and design spacing, and default color in several places on the portal.


Improved Profile Link Display

By default, a completed Profile Link field displays the linked profile’s name and email. If these fields are hidden for a given login group, the linked field label of the completed Profile Link field will display instead for users within that login group (see image below). Previously, the completed field would appear blank to users in this scenario, even when completed.

An image of the improved profile link field display.

Searching & Reporting

Updated Search Output Column Functionality

Previously, a given search column could only be added to the output of a search once. Now, an individual search column can be added to a search multiple times. This functionality allows for more efficient data export integrations to be created, which helps boost the overall performance of a Platform.

After adding a specific column to a search, that column will no longer be greyed-out and unclickable on the column picker pop up. The column can be reselected and added as many additional times as needed for the desired report.

An image of the pick columns selection. 

Time Zone in Application Step Status Icons

All times displayed in application step status icons are now based on the time zone of the logged-in user. The date header now also lists the specific time zone being used.

Social Distribution

Improved Email Referral Security

For improved email referral security, when sharing a job from the Social Distribution job library directly to an individual using the Share Job by Email tool, users are now required to complete a reCAPTCHA in order to successfully send the email. 

An example of the new required reCAPTCHA

Social Distribution Can Now Accommodate Jobs with Multiple Locations

Jobs with multiple locations will now have all their locations represented in the Social Distribution job library.  Previously, the only location associated with a job in Social Distribution was its primary location. Now, jobs with multiple locations will be separated into multiple profiles within the job library, with one job profile per location. This update improves searching for jobs by location as well as creating scheduled posts using location filters by enabling jobs to be found based on both their primary and additional locations.

Document Updates

The 17.3 Release Notes are no longer updated. For up-to-date information regarding changes made in monthly updates, see

Updates to these Release Notes prior to 1/30 are listed below, including the date an entry was added or updated.

January 30, 2018

January 23, 2018

December 13, 2017

December 4, 2017

November 15, 2017

November 8, 2017 

November 1, 2017 

October 27, 2017

October 18, 2017

October 12, 2017

  • Updated: Integration Validation

    • Updated to inform users to contact iCIMS Technical Support to enable Integration Validation settings

October 10, 2017

17.3 Release Notes

For more information on the 17.3 Release, see 17.3 Release Notes.

    Title2017-17.3 Release Notes: Misc. Fixes & Updates
    URL Name17-3-Release-Notes-Misc-Fixes-Updates

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